On Saturday, December 20th, about 25 members of my Dad's extended family gathered at my parent's house to celebrate Christmas. My dad has six brothers and sisters, so these family gatherings are often quite large. (This was actually a small year in terms of attendance; most of the time, there are about 35+ people.) And oftentimes we don't see these family members, but once a year, so it's fun to chat with them and get caught up on each other's lives. We also exchange gifts and enjoy a delicious dinner together.
Here's my Dad's Dad, who has such a great sense of humor! He loves anything Charlie Brown and can do a Donald Duck impression like no other.
My Mom and Dad. I'm blessed to have such great parents. And I don't have very many pictures of the two of them, so capturing this one was quite a treat! (Thanks for humoring me, Dad!)
Me and my sister, Katie. I really miss seeing her throughout the year, so it's exciting to have her home for a week!
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