Monday, March 9, 2009

Tyler Turns 3 Today!

Yesterday was our godson Tyler's B-I-G farm-themed birthday celebration!

Isn't this pig cake just darling?! Tyler's paternal grandmother, Carol, made it especially for him and it was delectable!

But before Tyler blew out the candles, it was off to the races...

Ready, set...


Cousins Tyler, Kayla, Abby, and Cameron galloped toward the finish line!

Aren't their facial expressions priceless?! Sheer bliss...

And I love how Kayla is running alongside her horse instead of on its back!

After feasting on chili, cornbread, pigs in a blanket, and birthday cake, it was off to the living room to open presents. Tyler loved reading his birthday cards and opening his gifts. (Well, in typical kid-fashion, he wanted nothing to do with the clothes, but was really excited by all the cool books and toys!) And in keeping with the farm theme, many guests were wearing cowboy hats. Not only did Tyler wear a hat, but he was also sporting black cowboy boots!


This is the charming barn invitation that my friend, Nicole, created for Tyler's birthday party. (Isn't it just adorable?!) Nicole used her Cricut to cut out all the farm animals. (As you can see, the cow graced the front of the invitation, but inside there were a few more farm animals--a rooster, a pig, and my favorite, a goat!) And if that wasn't creative enough, check out the text inside the invitation.

The inside read:
Old McTyler had a farm
And on that farm we hope to see you

Join us for his 3rd birthday party
Sunday March 8th

The Liotine Ranch

Yays and Neighs
{Phone number}

Tyler's cousins and daycare friends took home a little barn goodie bag, filled with plastic farm animals. What a cute idea!

And here's the card I made for Tyler.

I'll leave you with this little story...
Three of Tyler's daycare buddies, who are all about three years old, attended the party. One of them is also named Tyler and his last name begins with an "L," too. So, at the party yesterday, the three little kids weren't calling Tyler Liotine, "Tyler" or "Tyler L."

Instead, here's what I heard them calling him:
Ty Lio (pronounced Tie-Leo)
Ty Tine (pronounced Tie-Tee-knee)
Tyler Tine

It was so-o-o precious! :-)

(And as an aside, apparently lately Tyler has been referring to himself as Tyler Liotine Gregory.)
And one more little anecdote...

When I first arrived at Nicole & Steve's house, the person coming in the door behind me saw Tyler standing in the foyer and said, "Happy birthday, Tyler!" To which Tyler responded, "It's not my real birthday! Tomorrow is my real birthday!" There you have it...
Happy real birthday, Tyler Gregory! :-)

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