It's spring break!! :-)
Outside, it sure feels like spring has arrived.
The sun is out and temperatures are in the 70s.
California poppies are "popping" up all over the place.
Even along busy Auburn Boulevard of all places.
I spotted these orange beauties yesterday morning as I was running errands around town. I just had to capture them on film, so I retraced my route this afternoon, and shot these pictures.
Running errands during the day is such a treat!
Yesterday, I ran some run-of-the-mill errands--I visited the library, the dry cleaners, and a few antique shops in Old Fair Oaks--and I kept thinking, How cool is it to be out and about during a weekday?!
No crowds in the stores or on the roads.
I felt like a retired person.
(Only thirty more years until it's official. Ha!)
While I enjoy driving around town, I am a homebody at heart and love spending time puttering around our pad with the pups.
The weather was so nice today that I opened the back door and pulled the screen door closed. As you can see--from this shot that I took out our master bedroom sliding door--Lucy has figured out how to open the screen door. But she also knows that she is not supposed to come in without the "okay."
So, Lucy just lays right outside the door and waits, all the while letting in countless flies. :-) Rudy has been known to come inside after Lucy nudges the screen door open a little, but today he was waiting patiently outside.
Don't worry, I took pity on them and let them come inside with me.
Have they got the sad puppy dog face down or what?
Being at home this week, I've really enjoyed hanging out in jeans and t-shirts and eating my meals (breakfast and lunch) in front of the television. I'm not a huge television viewer, but being able to eat leftover meatballs (Grami's famous Thrifty Meatballs) while watching the Olympics episode of The Office from Season 2 was quite a treat! It's such a luxury to be able to enjoy a plated meal without time constraints while laughing up a storm at the antics of The Office cast members. Love the medals made out of yogurt tops and paper clips! :-)
Side note: Brian and I have watched all of the episodes through Season 4 now. Can't wait until Season 5 comes in at the library. As Dwight would say: Question--Is Jim ever going to propose to Pam?! It's a rhetorical question. I already know that Jim and Pam get engaged, married, and have a baby, but I want to see Jim propose to Pam. I thought for sure it was going to happen in the last episode of Season 4, but Andy stole the show when he popped the question to Angela.
Getting back to spring break...this time off has afforded me the chance to write, read, pack, and recharge my batteries a bit.
And as if the week couldn't get any better, my sister and niece are coming into town tomorrow. McKayla will be turning eight on Sunday, and I'm super excited to spend time with my family. Should be oodles of fun! Look for pictures soon!
Ta-ta for now,
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