Saturday, May 14, 2011

On My Nightstand

SEVEN: The number of library books stacked on my nightstand right now.

But let's be real: Am I reading all seven concurrently?


FOUR: The number of books I'm currently reading.

The first is Stephen King's memoir On Writing, which I'm really enjoying even though I'm not a fan of his other books.

I found two adoption books, The Adoption Sourcebook and You Can Adopt, at the Auburn Library last week. I'm hoping to skim them in an effort to learn more about how adoptive families have successfully located birth mothers.

I just started reading The Organized and Inspired Scrapbooker, but I hope it will provide me with some new and fun ways to organize my scrapbooking supplies.

TWO: I've started and stopped two books, Laugh, Cry, Eat Some Pie and Boys Adrift. I'm still contemplating whether or not I want to continue reading them or just return them to the library. I used to feel the need to finish every book I started, but now if I'm not enjoying a book, I see no reason to read it cover-to-cover.

: I plan to devour the remaining book, Lydia's Charm, just as soon as my summer break commences.

What are you reading right now?


P.S. Just 10 more work days until summer...but who's counting, right?!

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