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Grand Canyon, January 2012 |
I'm celebrating today!
1 | This is my 400th blog post!
2 | It is Read Across America Day! (And also Dr. Seuss's birthday.)
Read a book with a child--your son or daughter, nephew or niece, or a friend's child. I'm planning to read Green Eggs and Ham with Noah this evening.
3 | While looking through photos on my computer yesterday, I discovered that many of the pictures we took at the Grand Canyon (back in January) turned out great! What a beautiful place, especially at sunset.
4 | I've started working on my 2012 Project Life scrapbook. Photos from January and February are ordered, and now it's on to the journaling. Feels good to be documenting my favorite moments from the past two months.
I don't want to be the only one celebrating today, though, so I've decided to do a GIVEAWAY! (I love when bloggers hold giveaways on their blogs, so why not do one, right?!)
One lucky person will win a $10 Amazon gift card.
To be entered into the giveaway, please leave a comment below sharing one thing you're celebrating today. (If you received this blog post via e-mail, please hop on over to my blog to post your comment.) Comments will be closed on Monday, March 5 at 8 p.m. PST. The winner will be posted shortly thereafter. Please be sure to check back or subscribe to my blog to see if you will be receiving the giveaway item.
Best of luck!
I'm celebrating that I get to spend time with my beautiful daughters! They both love to spend time reading to Sammy! They always announce their names first and then read to him. They are hopeful that he will know their voices when he comes out. I'm also celebrating making it to 33 weeks today and still feeling great and healthy!
Thanks for your comment, Lori! Good to hear that you are doing so well. Say hi to the girls and Matt for us.
Today is my Golden Retriever's 6th birthday. She is my companion and I treasure her.
I call her Mazie and when gets really silly, I call her Crazy Mazie.
Clenna at aol dot com
I'm celebrating the patience my husband has with me. Thanks for the chance.
sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com
I am thankful that I'm able to workout and able to breathe. Even better, I'm able to do both at the same time! I just got home from a killer bootcamp session marking the start of my 10th week of working out 3-4 times every week. This is expecially meaningful to me because I was diagnosed with a rare form of lung cancer two years ago (at age 33) and as a result had half of my right lung removed. When you go through something like that, and it hurts to take every single breath, you realize how those little tiny things we often take for granted (like breathing!) really are a wonder. So now, instead of breaking into a sweat and huffing and puffing to walk up a few flights of stairs, I'm able to bust my butt through an entire workout and feel fully fantastic again.
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