Tuesday, July 3, 2012

My Fourth Blogoversary

Today, I'm celebrating FOUR years of blogging.

But before I make a wish and blow out the candles, I want to thank YOU, my blog readers, for perusing my posts and viewing my pictures.

I know your time is precious, and I really appreciate you stopping by my blog and/or reading my posts via email.

Also, thank you to those of you who leave comments on my blog or email me with your thoughts.
I love it when you tell me that one of my posts was interesting or that the information I shared was valuable.

And if you have suggestions for future post topics, I'm all ears.

Since it's my blogoversary, I think it's fitting that I share my wishes for this blog.

First off, I'm hoping to continue to write and shoot and post as often as possible.  Because I'm still having A LOT of fun blogging!

Secondly, I'm hoping to give my blog a fresh look with a new header and layout.  However, since I don't have skills (blog design skills, that is), I'm on the hunt for a premade blogger template. (I'm going to look on Etsy first since I love supporting Etsy sellers whenever I can.) 

I feel like I'm pressing my luck with two wishes (or is it a wish for every candle?), so I'll stop there.

Here's to many more years of blogging fun!


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