Monday, July 23, 2012

Miscellaneous Monday

It's a little bit of this, and a little bit of that this Monday.  (Hence, the title.)

1) First up, a laugh.

I chuckled when I saw this cartoon in Parade magazine two Sundays ago.  Then, I cut it out (so I could place it in my Project Life book) and snapped a picture of it (so I could post it to Instagram).

2) Next up, a sale.
If you love to cover your walls with photographs like I do, then you don't want to miss Aaron Brothers's Penny Sale going on this month.  (It only comes around twice a year--in January and July.)  I've been waiting for this sale, so I could purchase five frames for Noah's nursery.  Since it's buy one, get one for a penny, I purchased six frames (two 16x20s and four 8x10s) for just $64.  Not too shabby, eh?

3) How about another sale? 
If you need to print some pictures--say, for your walls or scrapbook layouts or Project Life book--take advantage of Costco's 4x6 digital print deal.  Normally, 13 cents each, from now through August 5, they are available for just 9 cents. Order away...

4) And a know how I like a good deal!  Arby's is celebrating their 1964 founding TODAY with a special deal: a Roast Beef Classic sandwich for just 64 cents.  Click here to get your coupon.

5) It's time for a blog share.  A few weeks ago, I came across the Simple Mom blog/website and instantly fell in love.  Since then, I've read lots of the posts on her site (some written by her and others crafted by guest bloggers).  One of my favorite posts is: I wrote a five year plan (and you can too!).  While I don't know if I'll do it right away, the thought of creating a five year plan interests me.  Have you ever written a five year plan?

6) Last, but not least, a quote I adore from The Iron Lady: "Watch your thoughts for they become words. Watch your words for they become actions. Watch your actions for they become...habits. Watch your habits, for they become your character. And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny!"

Thanks for letting me share!


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