Monday, October 14, 2013

Oldies But Goodies

For the past three months, I've been watching old movies as I run on the treadmill.

I find that if I watch something--whether it be a movie or a television show--I'm more apt to enjoy myself as I exercise, and the time seems to go by faster.

And I'm certainly more motivated to climb on to the treadmill during Noah's nap time, if I know that a movie is waiting for me, all queued up and ready to go.  

Weeks ago, I scoured our DVD collection, pulling out mostly romantic comedies and dramas.  Most of these flicks I hadn't seen in years, so it was a treat to view some oldies, but goodies.

1| Circle of Friends

2| Where the Heart Is

3| Sleepless in Seattle

4| Keeping the Faith

5| The Notebook

6| Sweet Home Alabama

7| Sense and Sensibility

8| Runaway Bride

9| Notting Hill

Not pictured: Sabrina and Jerry Maguire, both of which I checked out from the library.

What old movies have you seen lately?


Nabeela said...

I saw The Mona Lisa Smile like 5 times already. It's awesome :)

Jennie said...

Thanks for the movie suggestion, Nabeela! I'll check it out.

Tina said...

Great movies!

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