If you're a regular reader, you know that a couple of weeks ago, I traveled to Dallas, Texas for a Confidence Photography Workshop.
Before my trip, I was chatting with my sister, Kate (who lives in Dallas), and she asked what I wanted to see and do and eat while I was there. Okay, in all fairness, she didn't ask about food, but I love to eat, especially in the South, so I piped up about my food favorites. (I'll get to those in a minute.)
Warning: If you're hungry right now, just enjoy the bluebonnets, and do not, I repeat, do not scroll down for the must-eat section. You just might gobble up your computer monitor!
Back to the must-sees...I shared with Kate that I hoped the infamous Texas bluebonnets would be in bloom when I was there.
And as you can see, luck was on my side.

They were there in abundance.

Before I arrived, Kate had scoped out several great spots along the freeway where we could easily pull over and take photos of the Texas state flower.
Like I'm doing right here. (If you follow me on Instagram, @jharless, you've already seen this photo.)
Bluebonnets, check.
Now to the must-eats!
Dallas has some of the best food in the state of Texas. (I hear Austin is a close second.)
First up on my must-eat list: brisket.
My sister and brother-in-law took me to dinner at Spring Creek restaurant, where I ate brisket (the cook referred to it as inland caviar...ha!), mac and cheese, beans, potato salad, and a roll.
I devoured everything on my plate, but left a little room for dessert.
So, Kate and I shared a slice of peach pie and a scoop of Blue Bell vanilla ice cream. So heavenly!
It's no wonder my jeans were tighter when I left Texas than when I arrived.
I'll likely be back in Dallas in the next year. If you live there or visit frequently, what would you recommend I see, eat, or experience when I'm there next?
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