Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Birthday, McKayla!

Our niece, McKayla, turns seven today! (Wow, how quickly time flies!)

McKayla is a smart, funny, and articulate little girl who loves to read (yippee!), talk on the phone, play games on the computer, spend time with her sisters, and do gymnastics.

Brian and I absolutely {love} being auntie and uncle to Miss McKayla.

Here are just a few snapshots of us spending time with her.

Uncle Brian & Mono Loco (Brian's nickname for McKayla)

Every time I see this picture, I think "Aw!"

The three of us hanging out at Nonni & Pop's house.

Two of the three cowgirls enjoying the Folsom Rodeo. (July 2008)

Hope you have a wonderful day, McKayla!

I can't wait to see you next week and give you a big hug! :-)

1 comment:

Winter said...

Hey Jennie! Thank you for the sweet comment on my blog! I noticed on this post you have a Nonni, my kids call their grandma Nonnie! How cool! I also saw on one of your recent post about Ginny Owens being blind, I did not know that! I listen to her all the time, what a very talented singer, what an inspiration! Have a very Blessed Easter!

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