Friday, June 26, 2009

Vacation Pictures

In early June, I wrote a blog post, in which I discussed how over the past five years after each of our trips, I've selected our favorite photo, framed it and hung it on the wall in our hallway. For me, the framed photos bring back countless memories and remind me just how {lucky} we are to be able to travel around the world. In that same post, I asked you, my blog friends, to select your favorite photo of Brian and me from our recent Europe trip. (BTW, the last photo is THE ONE; it garnered the most votes!) In response to that post, my sister, Katie, requested that I share all of the pictures that hang on our hallway wall. Since I really didn't want to go back and sift through all of the photo folders on our computer, I just grabbed my Nikon and slowly walked the wall, snapping a photo of each framed picture. Enjoy!

Honeymoon in Maui, April 2004

Trip to Washington, D.C. & New York, May 2005

Cruise to Mexico, September 2005

First vacation to Europe, May 2006

Trip to Costa Rica with Brian's parents, September 2006

Journey to Peru, September 2007

Trip to Belize, May 2008

Second vacation to Europe, May 2009
P.S. I {love} sharing general travel tips and specific information about the locales we've visited, so if you're planning an international getaway and have questions, please don't hesitate to ask! :-)


Anonymous said...

Yay! I loved seeing each of these photos! It seems like a lot of your trips have been in September now that I look at all the dates! So fun!-- I hope I can have a wall with travel photos too, at some point! Love ya!


Jennie said...

So glad you liked them! :-)

We always traveled in May and September b/c I had those months off from school! :-)

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