For years...5+ years...we'd been yearning to become parents. During all that time, though, I never really gave much thought to how I wanted to decorate a baby nursery. I just wouldn't let myself get swept up in thinking about baby stuff.
However, a few weeks after we "matched" with the birth mother, we found out she was having a BOY. It was then, in late August, that I got right to work on planning the nursery.
I had so much FUN decorating Noah's nursery! I may not have carried Noah in my womb, but I certainly carried him in my heart as I decorated the nursery and prepared for his arrival.
And here it is:
I started with the bedding. I scoured the internet looking for baby bedding that I liked. The search took awhile because I'm pretty particular. I didn't want anything too cutesy, too kid-like. Rather, I was looking for something simple and elegant, with stripes or polka dots or both. And I was drawn to the colors: baby blue, cream and chocolate brown.

When I found this bedding, I fell in love with it. It was more green than blue, but I loved the swirls, the dots, the stripes. I hemmed and hawed over it for a couple of weeks, though, because it was pricey, but ultimately, I bought it. And I'm really glad I did.
With the bedding colors in mind, Brian and I selected the paint: Behr's Contemplation. We bought the bead board at Home Depot. I can't take credit for the painting or installation; it was all Brian's effort.

We found the espresso crib at Loved Again, a delightful children's boutique in Auburn.
We purchased the wooden "Welcome" sign from Jo-Ann's and painted it white. The wooden espresso letters were bought on Amazon.

Our good friend, Brian, gave us a glider/rocker chair and ottoman. As of late, I've been spending a lot of time in it, and it's so comfy. This bear, resting comfortably in the chair, is quite special to me. It was mine growing up (thanks for saving it mom and dad!), and now I get to pass it onto Noah.

I plan to read, read, read to our son, so I've placed a basket of books right next to the chair. More books can be found in the closet. And downstairs in storage. There will be no shortage of reading material here in our house. In fact, one of the things I can't wait to do with Noah is to take him to the library, so we can check out MORE books. :-)

We needed somewhere to put a small lamp and an iPhone for music. Enter this table. Brian made the wooden fire engine sitting next to the lamp.

Yep, it's true: Little Noah has his own iPhone. Just kidding! It's actually Brian's old iPhone that we're using to play music in the nursery. We added a few playlists to the phone (mainly classical music for now--thanks to my in-laws for buying us a few new CDs) and placed it in an iPhone speaker dock. We also downloaded Sleep Machine Lite from iTunes (it's free!). This application plays soothing sounds for Noah as he falls asleep in his bassinet.
Originally, we had planned to put a dresser in the nursery, but I wanted something that matched the crib (and wasn't too expensive), so we purchased this changing table instead.
I bought the changing pad cover from this Etsy seller. It's so soft and fuzzy, and I adore the raised dots on it.

During my Thanksgiving break, I sewed a dozen burp cloths using this tutorial. For now, they are stashed in the changing table baskets.

The idea for the white shelves came from this blog post. On the left shelf sits a white teddy bear (one of three in the room) and a framed 4D ultrasound picture. Below the shelf, there are two special items. I wore the sleeper on the left; Brian wore the sweater on the right. On the right shelf, I placed a piggy bank (well, technically it's a sheep), so we can start saving for Noah's college education now. Next to that sits a framed piece of white card stock which reads "For this child, I prayed..." We're going to put Noah's
footprints below the quote. (This idea came from Pinterest.)

Walking into the nursery, the first thing you see is this bulletin board. The idea for this board came from an old issue of Real Simple and a blog post (which I can't locate right now). With my help, Brian transformed an ordinary cork board into this framed bulletin board. I LOVE it! It will hold Polaroid-type pictures of family and friends who come to visit us! Above the bulletin board, I applied this wall decal.
All in all, I'm really pleased with the way Noah's nursery turned out. A BIG thanks to my husband for letting me dream BIG and helping me to transform my vision into reality.
I have one more wall to conquer--the wall stretching from the door to the crib. My plan is to showcase several black-and-white or sepia pictures of Noah in a grouping of espresso frames.
Thanks for letting me share!
J (aka Noah's mom)
Loving the new signature!
Wow! The nursery looks fantastic! I love all of the special touches. I especially love the sweet little outfits that belonged to you & Brian. Welcome Baby Noah!
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