Monday, January 23, 2012

One Little Word Update

Now that it's 2012, I thought it would be fun to share the second half of my 2011 One Little Word album.  Back in April, I wrote this post about the first half of my album.  As you may remember, my One Little Word for 2011 was FAITH.

In MAY, I documented five actions or goals I was currently working toward or hoped to tackle in the near future.
In JUNE, I decided to forgo Ali Edward's assignment and photocopied an article from the book, You Can Adopt.  The piece, written by an adoptive father, really resonated with me and I knew this album would be the perfect place to keep it.   

In JULY, per the prompt, I searched for song lyrics that discussed faith, hope, love or strength.  Ultimately, I chose songs that spoke to me, that encouraged me, that inspired me. 

In AUGUST, I snapped a picture of myself, and then added two paper strips and some writing around the edge using a Sharpie marker.

In SEPTEMBER, I placed this Real Simple magazine article, The Miracle of Faith, in my album.

In OCTOBER, I searched through my recent photographs and selected 10 pictures that I felt represented faith.  Faith in the adoption process, faith in the institution of marriage, faith in the power of scrapbooking, faith in friendship, faith in my students.  

In NOVEMBER, I completed the following prompts: I know, I am, I believe, I love, I am thankful for, This word, and I learned.

I also included a quote I found on Pinterest: "Let your FAITH be bigger than your fear."

In DECEMBER, I spent time reflecting on my faith and writing down some facts and feelings about my One Little Word.     

As I say goodbye to my word this year I want to remember:  
How much I enjoyed this class.  It was such a great experience: The writing, the photography, the reading, the reflecting, the art.  It all helped me to become more faithful. And even though I have chosen a new word for 2012--JOY--my faith necklace will continue to serve as a reminder to have faith in myself, faith in others, and faith in God. 
Want to join Ali Edwards for the 2012 One Little Word class?  Click here.   


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