Friday, August 23, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Last

A good friend of mine, Nicole, turned me on to this really cool website, where every Friday there is a five minute free write (flash mob style) on a specific prompt.

Today's word: Last.

This afternoon, I set my cell phone for five minutes and started typing.

Here's what I had written when the buzzer sounded:

Last year at this time, my husband, Brian was off fighting a fire on his first strike team. 

Last year at this time, I was a stay-at-home mom to a baby boy, Noah, who was just 7 months old.     

Brian was away from home for two weeks.  He had never been gone that long--ever--in our eight years of marriage.

I felt overwhelmed at first, but after a few deep breaths, clarity and perspective came to me.  Take it just one bottle at a time, one diaper change at a time, I remember telling myself.
Each morning, I made a list for that day, to keep myself focused on what I needed to accomplish.    I recall thinking, Lower  your expectations and keep it simple.  On a piece of note pad paper, I scrawled down things like grocery shop and run 4 miles and finish laundry and brush Lucy and call Susie to wish her happy birthday.  I didn't think about what I needed to do the next day or the day after--just what I needed to get done from breakfast to bedtime.      

I still have those lists.  They're tucked away in my Project Life binder.  They are a visual reminder of the way in which I kept our household humming along while Brian was unexpectedly away.

Last week, Brian called me from the fire station and said he might be going on a strike team.  Turns out, he didn't go, but when I got that phone call and heard those two words, strike team, I was immediately transported back to last summer. To the 14-day stretch when Noah and I braved it on our own ... and survived thrived.   

While I felt wholly unprepared this summer, I knew I could do it again. 

You see, for me, if there is a last time, then the next time won't be so hard.  For I'll know what to expect.  But more importantly, I'll have the confidence to make it through.  

I'll always be glad for that first and last time.  

Are you interested in participating in Five Minute Friday?  Click here for details.


Sandra Wilkes said...

Enjoyed reading this. We can do more than we think we can. Love the approach you simplify, find your strength, and keep going forward.

Julie on an adventure said...

Loving your perspective! I agree - if there was a last time, we can make it through again. Good way to think instead of getting buried under fear and doubt - so easy sometimes, I find. But, like you said, the moments all I can so is survive, God is really giving me the strength to thrive. I can relate.
Glad to meet you!

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