Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Money will buy...

As some of you may know, every Tuesday night, I attend a beginning Spanish class at San Juan High School. (By the way, I'm really enjoying it! It certainly makes me want to take another vacation to Central or South America, so I can practice my Spanish.)

Last night during our 15-minute break, I got up out of my desk and walked to the front of the classroom to snatch up a yummy bite-size Trader Joe's chocolate chip cookie. (Our professor spoils us...he brings candy or cookies to nearly every session!) After I popped the itty bitty cookie in my mouth, I decided to head out to the hallway to get a sip of water from the drinking fountain. On my way out the door, a small piece of purple card stock tacked up on a brown cabinet to the left of the door caught my eye. In white, bold typed letters, the poem's title instantly intrigued me. It read "Money will buy..." After scanning the poem, I was so impressed by its profound message, that when I returned to my desk, I pulled out a piece of paper, walked back up to it, and quickly scribbled down the words. The poem is so succinct, yet chalk full of truth. And I'm sure as you read it, you will think of other things that could easily be added to the list. And now without further ado, here is the poem. Happy reading!

Money will buy...

a bed, but not sleep;

a book, but not brains;

food, but not an appetite;

medicine, but not health;

luxuries, but not culture;

amusement, but not happiness.

~Author Unknown

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