Saturday, October 5, 2013

Welcome Noah Layout

Holy monolies! 

Noah is 21 months old today. 

What a perfect day to share a layout about him.  

This page has been in the works for months.  I started...and stopped.  Started and stopped. 

Finally, last week I told myself, Stop this procrastination, Jen, and just get it done.

And here it is:

From left to right, top to bottom:

1-Noah's ultrasound picture 

2-Holding Noah for the first time on the day he was born

3-Feeding Noah, minutes later, and fighting back tears

4-Brian holding Noah on the day we took him "home" from the hospital (5 days old)

5-Noah sucking his thumb as we headed home to California (8 days old)

Lots of emotions bubble up to the surface for me as I gaze at these photos: Joy.  Amazement.  Gratitude.  Peacefulness.  Love.  Bliss.  Tenderness.  Excitement.  Hope.   

Noah: We're so thankful you've been in our lives for 21 months.  We look forward to the months and years ahead.  

Love you, sweet boy.

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