Monday, March 24, 2014

Carolina in My Mind

At lunch time today, I went to North Carolina.

Those of you who know I live in California might be thinking, What?!

Let me explain.

When my 2-year-old son has a tantrum, complete with crying and screaming and laying on the floor and more crying, I "go" to Carolina--North Carolina, that is--in my mind.

The James Taylor song, "Carolina in My Mind," starts playing in my head. (I grew up listening to tons of James Taylor music.  Thanks, Mom and Dad!) 

If you're not a JT fan (James Taylor, not Justin Timberlake), the refrain goes something like this...

In my mind I'm going to Carolina.
Can't you see the sunshine, can't you just feel the moonshine?
Ain't it just like a friend of mine to hit me from behind?
Yes, I'm going to Carolina in my mind.

If you haven't heard the song or want to time travel back to 1979 to hear it again, check out this YouTube video.

Don't worry, I'll be waiting here for you while you listen and watch and chuckle at his hairdo and clothing.

Now, back to lunch today. While the "Carolina" song played in my head, images of my time in North Carolina last October at the Click retreat appeared in my mind's eye.

I was back in the Outer Banks, walking the beach, breathing deeply and inhaling the ocean air.

With the wind in my hair and the sand between my toes, my Nikon camera and I shot images of shells and birds and the surf--including the shot above.  

Granted, I couldn't see the sunshine or feel the moonshine as the song goes, but I was there in Carolina--beautiful North Carolina--if only for a minute or two. 

Do you have a "place" you go for a short spell when life gets tough?


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