I'm back to share another scrapbook layout.
You might notice that this layout is almost identical to the layout I posted last week.
This "Saying Grace" page is all about the prayer we say before dinner (and occasionally before lunch) as a family.

It's a common Catholic prayer that both my mom and dad recited with their parents and siblings growing up, and Brian and I said as children with our parents and sisters.
As Catholics, Brian and I feel it is important to model how to say grace with Noah, teaching him both the words and the hand gestures.
Maybe "hand gestures" is not the right phrase. Ha!
We are teaching him to touch his forehead when he says "Father" and his chest when he says "Son" and his left and right shoulders when he says "Holy Spirit."

In fact, that's what he was doing when I snapped this picture with my iPhone. I told Noah, "Chest for son," and he reached inside his shirt to touch--what else?--his chest. Kids are so literal.
I chuckled and thought, Well, I did say touch your chest.
Right now, Noah holds our hands during the prayer (sometimes reluctantly), and joins us in saying "Amen" at the end of grace. He studies us as we say the words (he is usually grinning), and I know one day soon, he'll be saying grace right along with us:
Bless us, O Lord, and these Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Bless us, O Lord, and these Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Jennie, you keep inspiring me to capture the smallest moments with my children. I've never made a scrapbook, but seeing your art always makes me want to try! Thank you for this precious story of Noah!
Jennie, you keep inspiring me to capture the smallest moments with my children. I've never made a scrapbook, but seeing your art always makes me want to try! Thank you for this precious story of Noah
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