Friday, June 13, 2014

Summer List 2014

Taken with iPhone 5S; edited with Camera+
In our neck of the woods, the signs of summer are everywhere:
  • I'm sporting tank tops, shorts, and saltwater sandals. (Who says they are just for kids?!)
  • Our local pool opened this past Sunday. (Woohoo!)
  • School is out!
  • We've been to the splash park four times already.
Because I've got summer on the brain, I created a summer list. (Here's my 2012 list and my 2013 list, in case you missed them.)

I always enjoy the process of brainstorming what we want to do in the next few months and documenting those goals here.

I try hard to keep my list to a manageable number because too many things for me to do in a short period of time = an overwhelmed me = a cranky me.  (Nobody likes cranky me--even me!)

And I know myself well enough to know that if I have several active days with lots of going, going, going (especially if it involves social interaction), I'm going to need down time to recharge.

At the end of each summer, I love looking back at my list and reflecting on what we did and didn't do. (And it's totally okay if we do NOT get everything checked off.)

{2014} Summer List

1 | Get my Nikon D700 repaired and shoot away!

2 | Finish sewing 6 pillows for the family room couches.

3 | Complete our adoption website.

4 | Start a photo journal, adding one new photo per week.

5 | Visit Oregon with Brian's family.

6 | Indulge in a massage.

7 | Host a play date with friends.

8 | Go on at least one date per month with Brian.

9 | Hike with family and/or friends.

10 | Attend a county fair. 

11 | Swim with Noah.

12 | Finish an article about search and rescue dogs and submit to a magazine.

13 | Create a scrapbook layout about Noah's name.

14 | Explore how to build a free little library for our neighborhood (with help from Brian).

What's on your {2014} summer list?

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