Friday, September 5, 2014


playing with a new macro band for my iPhone from Photojojo.

eating gobs of fresh fruit--pineapple, peaches, pears.

writing posts for my new Wordpress blog, which I hope to roll out this winter.

running on Thursday mornings (when I am kiddo-less for close to two hours).

discovering that the CR2 (raw) files from my new Canon camera cannot be edited in my current versions of Lightroom and Photoshop.  Enter Adobe Creative Cloud!

laughing at this blog post Brian shared with me.

singing "Let It Go" several times a day. ("Frozen" is Noah's favorite movie right now.)

picnicking several times a week in our local parks.

dancing to Bean's Roller Coaster remix with the littles.

reading The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind and Jo Frost's Toddler Rules.
wondering if Nicholas Sparks will have a new book out this fall. (I hope so!)

feeling grateful for the friendships I've formed through Mountain Moms and Little Folks.

looking forward to CreativeLive's Photo Week 2014, an online event with tons of FREE photography classes, which will be held September 15-20.  

What's {currently} happening in your world?

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