Wow, there are just five days until Christmas!
A few of you have asked about my December Daily album, and while I'm not ready to share it just yet (it's still a work-in-progress), I thought I'd give you a sneak peek at some of my photos. (If you follow me on Instagram (jharless), you'll recognize some of these pics.)
December 1 | A photo walk in the park, just me and my Nikon.
December 2 | Eggnog shakes after picking out our tree. (Nikon)
December 3 | A trip to the mailbox. (Nikon)
December 4 | Spotting new items on the Life box at breakfast.
December 5 | Showing Lucy his guitar (gee-tar) ornament. (iPhone 4)
December 6 | Screenshot of the weather forecast. (iPhone 5S)
December 7 | Playing in the snow. (iPhone 5S)

December 8 | Snow-laden branches and blue skies. (Nikon)
December 9 | Shopping for a special 7-year-old whose Christmas wish was a pair of shoes. I bought him some Legos, too. (iPhone 5S)
December 10 | Hot apple cider. Yum! (Nikon)
December 11| A quick trim at Supercuts. (iPhone 5S)
Although I've taken photos since December 11, I've yet to go through them and decide which ones I want to include in my album.
After Christmas, I'm planning to carve out some time to sort through all of my photos, edit some of them, send an order into Costco, and then add embellishments to the journaling cards.
In January, I'll share my completed December Daily album.
Are any of you working on a December Daily album? If so, how's it going?
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